T e c h n o l o g y |
Dynamic Process Kiln Control |
Lumber Grade! Decrease
Wasted Energy And
Drying Time! How does the
FC controller do it? The concept of
the FC controller is to dry using a closed
loop dynamic process. Conventional
open loop controllers using a scheduling scheme run according to time using
static set points. The FC controller continuously monitors and controls the
temperatures and relative humidity in the kiln changing the drying process
constantly during its cycle. The
object of this control is to regulate the rate of evaporation off the surface
of the wood to attain the optimum
moisture and temperature gradients within the wood achieving the maximum
water flow without damaging the lumber.
The FC controller uses dynamically changing set points to maintain
these gradients and water flow. These
set points are derived from a large calculation within the FC controller
using the dry bulb and wet breitling replica bulb temperatures.
The outside temperature allows automatic adjustments to the process,
compensating for heat loss while in the critical heat up stage. The moisture content of the lumber is
calculated in close accuracy stopping the drying process at the desired final
moisture content and not by time. With proper heat-up water will flow freely
from the lumber. Maintaining high humidity in the kiln minimizes
lumber damage and saves energy. The theory of forcing water to flow by
venting heavily lowers the relative humidity in a dry kiln increasing both
drying time and wasted energy. The FC
controller will achieve the best possible lumber quality while reducing the
energy consumption. Why wait? The FC controller will pay for it
self in just a few months. Contact us at sales@frankcontrols.com or
1-250-765-2900. |